As a forerunner in the centers of excellence category, Contigo Health® now brings to market our new substance use disorder program, which surrounds and supports individuals seeking treatment.

For reasons almost too numerous to count, including the most recent pandemic, substance use disorders, or SUDs, have been on a steady rise in the workplace and beyond. Whether it be the lasting effects of the pandemic or the changing family and socioeconomic dynamics facing our communities, we must look at this not as an individual problem but rather as a problem gripping us all.

70.4% of all adults with an alcohol or illicit drug use disorder are employed,1 and 1 in 7 Americans will experience a substance use disorder.² According to one national survey in 2021, Americans’ substance use has increased 30% overall since the start of the pandemic.4

The numbers back this up: 70.4% of all adults with an alcohol or illicit drug use disorder are employed,¹ and 1 in 7 Americans will experience a substance use disorder.² And it’s staggering to think that 10% to 15% of those in healthcare will misuse substances during their lifetime.³

According to one national survey in 2021, Americans’ substance use has increased 30% overall since the start of the pandemic.⁴ These numbers should startle us and make us realize that reframing the conversation around substance use disorder isn’t something we need to do but rather something we have to do.


It’s once again clear that SUD involves us all.


It’s driven by a positive workplace culture that begins and ends with employers making employees comfortable and aware of their particular policy and its positive effects.


Let’s understand how SUDs are affecting the workplace.

According to the National Safety Council, the impact of substance use disorders on the workplace is considerable. Some studies place the base cost for employers to recruit and train replacement workers at a third of a worker’s annual salary, with additional costs to the employer totaling roughly half that salary when all is said and done. In some sectors with higher average salaries, this cost can be even greater.⁵

The costs for employers who have employees with untreated SUDs is also eye-opening. The annual attributable medical expenditure of a SUD diagnosis for employer-sponsored insurance was found to be $15,640 per affected enrollee and a staggering $35.3 billion in the population. Alcohol-related disorders ($10.2 billion) and opioid-related disorders ($7.3 billion) were the most costly.⁶

In addition, almost 9% of working adults have a substance use disorder, with alcohol use and cannabis use disorders being the most common. Rates of SUDs are higher in industries like construction, trucking, and mining. Industries with easy access to alcohol, like entertainment and food service, also have higher SUD rates.⁵

Changing the stigma surrounding SUDs needs to be a goal.

For far too long, society—and especially the workplace—has seen those suffering from substance use disorders as having a moral failing. The perception that this disorder is a choice needs to change. We need to look at substance use disorders not as a personal failure but as a serious health problem on par with other unmanaged chronic conditions like diabetes and COPD. This reality—long understood by SUD treatment professionals but still new to many—has to be driven home by employers. If a drug-free workplace and healthier employees are the goals, success rests firmly in the lap of employers, who must be advocates for their employees, a significant number of whom may be suffering in silence due to fear of losing their jobs.

After all, an effective policy isn’t something that just happens—it’s driven by a positive workplace culture that begins and ends with employers making employees comfortable and aware of their particular policy and its positive effects.

The bottom line is that employers need a way to offer access to confidential treatment that gives employees the privacy to seek the care they need without fear of losing their jobs or wages.

Changing the conversation around SUDs in the workplace is something we take very seriously at Contigo Health, and it’s why we are pioneering and building a treatment program that’s everything traditional programs have failed to be.

Together, we can all create a more accepting workplace environment.

We can all encourage each other while in the workplace to be strong advocates for our fellow employees who may need support. Seeing those who are struggling as people first—people with a treatable illness—is a step toward helping them on their road to recovery. Regardless, the emphasis should never be on judging a person or looking down on them from a moral high ground but rather on helping them seek the treatment best suited for their success.

The bottom line is that employers need a way to offer access to confidential treatment that gives employees the privacy to seek the care they need without fear of losing their jobs or wages.

At Contigo Health®, we’re helping to change the conversation around SUDs by offering a revolutionary new approach to treating them.

Changing the conversation around SUDs in the workplace is something we take very seriously at Contigo Health, and it’s why we are pioneering and building a treatment program that’s everything traditional programs have failed to be. For one, it’s discreet, allowing employees to work without having to share personal struggles with their employer in industries that don’t have mandatory drug screening, possibly motivating individuals who may not have reached out for help before.

It’s practical, allowing a person to seek care while continuing to work and live at home. And above all, it’s accepting. Our program welcomes all with open arms and gives special consideration to members of the LGBTQIA+ community and diverse populations.

So how does it work?

Immediate support is provided 24/7 from our trusted partner, Lionrock Behavioral Health, Inc., who pioneered virtual outpatient SUD treatment and continues to lead the way in virtual, in-home care. A health plan member will be referred to a licensed counselor to determine the right level of treatment.

What makes our SUD program so unique, aside from the promise of incredible support within an hour, is that our health plan members can access our revolutionary hybrid treatment plan and get residential inpatient care, outpatient care, or virtual outpatient care, depending on their individual needs. Now a person can participate in treatment virtually from home, which removes one of the biggest barriers to treatment: access. Virtual one-on-one meetings and group sessions can all be handled outside of work so the person doesn’t have to leave their family or job, causing less disruption in their lives.

Those with more complex needs—e.g., co-occurring mental health concerns, medication management, and/or a higher-severity SUD—can also access treatment through our world-class and renowned collaborator, the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.


The impact of substance use disorders is far-reaching.

No one is untouched. But together, we can help change the conversation surrounding them and combat the stigmas and preconceived notions that traditional workplaces and treatment plans have often held.

Regardless of the determined pathway, what this program does differently is wrap its arms around the individual, providing not just high-quality care for a predetermined period of time but surrounding them with a team. This team will help continue treatment for however long is necessary to achieve success and maintain recovery. In other words, a person receiving treatment isn’t left to go it alone once they exit the program. This new approach to SUDs is something that hasn’t traditionally been offered by many carriers, which has often left employers with a hole in their healthcare plan and employees with untreated SUDs left wondering.

This new way of treating members is a part of our transformation of Contigo Health Centers of Excellence 360™. We’re creating a first-of-its-kind, guided comprehensive care journey. This program is the next phase in making patient care even better. The impact of substance use disorders is far-reaching. No one is untouched. But together, we can help change the conversation surrounding SUDs and combat the stigmas and preconceived notions that traditional workplaces and treatment plans have often held. Because it’s time—time we wrap our arms around those who are suffering and give them the dignity and respect that a person ailing from a true health condition deserves.

For more information, contact Britt Hayes, Contigo Health’s Chief Commercial Officer, at, or call 330-656-1072.

1.  Frone, M. R., L. C. Chosewood, J. C. Osborne, et al. 2022. “Workplace Supported Recovery from Substance Use Disorders: Defining the Construct, Developing a Model, and Proposing an Agenda for Future Research.” Occupational Health Science 6: 475–511.

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2022. “Stigma Reduction.”

3. Butler Center for Research. June 1, 2015. “Health Care Professionals: Addiction and Treatment.”

4. Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. 2021. “Americans Increasing Substance Use to Cope with Mental Strain; Parents at Highest Risk.”

5. National Safety Council. Accessed January 12, 2023. “Implications of Drug Use for Employers.”

6. Li, M., Peterson, C., Xu, L., Mikosz, C. A., & Luo, F. “Medical costs of substance use disorders in the US employer-sponsored insurance population.” JAMA Network Open, 6(1). January 24, 2023.

© 2024. Contigo Health, LLC. All rights reserved.

Empowered Patient Podcast
May 30th, 2023

Heather Ridenoure, Center of Excellence Segment Leader, and Maeve Ruggieri,  the Director of Product at Contigo Health, shine a light on the challenge of employee substance use disorder and the resources available for care. This chronic disease can be caused by adverse childhood events, genetic predisposition, stress, and environmental factors. Contigo addresses any substance that can be abused through their Centers for Excellence program with virtual care and in-person care options where participation is voluntary and can be accessed 24/7.

Heather explains, “As far as how frequently this occurs, the newest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control said one in seven people have a substance use disorder. That’s new data, and that’s been increasing by 30% since the pandemic, which is pretty significant. So, this is one of the reasons we struck out on a journey to try to address some of these issues.”

Maeve elaborates, “As Heather mentioned, substance use disorder being a chronic disease, is something that causes clinically significant impairment. So that may or may not be visible to an employer in the workplace. Their employees may seem like they are high performers or be high performers and not be showing the stereotypical signs of substance use disorder, things that we may see from TV or movies, like erratic behavior, things even down to missing deadlines.”

“But what’s so important is having the member be ready to participate themselves. This program is rooted in shared decision-making between the member and the providers, and our team at Contigo, who’s doing a lot of care and case management and support. And if the member is not ready to participate, to explore recovery and manage their substance use disorder, then it’s not time yet.”

Download the transcript here


© 2024. Contigo Health, LLC. All rights reserved.

Employee Benefit News
Partner Insights by Contigo Health
Dr. Jonathan Slotkin, Chief Medical Officer

The impact of substance use disorder (SUD) in the U.S. is far-reaching, yet remains misunderstood and untreated and undertreated. Dr. Jonathan Slotkin, Chief Medical Officer, Contigo Health®, shares how employers can change the conversation about SUD and give those employees who are suffering the dignity they deserve and the tools for successful, long-term recovery.

Q. Are there misconceptions about SUD that you’d like to address?
We strongly believe that mental health is health. SUD is a health problem on par with other chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, or heart disease. It’s not a moral failing. It’s not a choice. And it’s not an individual problem but a human health problem that grips us all. It impacts entire families, social groups, communities, and workplaces. Seventy percent of adults with a substance use disorder are employed, and one in seven Americans will experience SUD in their lifetime. Many people appear to be functional while still suffering from significant substance use disorder that’s harmful to the patient, their families, and their workplaces.

Q. What can employers do to eliminate the stigma around SUD?
First, employers must embrace the view that SUD is not a personal failing but a chronic health condition and then work to normalize the discussion about SUD. If a drug-free workplace with healthier, more productive employees is the goal, then employers must become advocates and share information about their employer-sponsored SUD health plan benefits and the positive effects of treatment.

How you engage with employees on health issues matters. A positive workplace culture helps make employees feel comfortable that they can maintain their privacy, get real help in a nonjudgmental way, and feel confident that employers will never take punitive action if they access these benefits.

Q. How is Contigo Health’s treatment program different than traditional programs?
Designed in partnership with the world-renowned Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and Lionrock Recovery, our treatment approach combines virtual outpatient, traditional outpatient, and residential care to give employees options that allow them to seek care while continuing to work and live with their families.

Help is a phone call away 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Health plan members self-refer into the program. Confidentiality is assured, and Contigo Health prides itself on creating a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive environment for patients. Since many employees with SUD also have additional mental or physical health conditions, our integrated team takes a comprehensive and individualized approach to employees’ overall health.

Q. How does the program benefit employers?
The annual cost of SUD for employers is about $15,600 per employee with alcohol and drug-related disorders, for a staggering $35 billion across the U.S. While a typical employee misses up to three weeks of work a year due to injury, illness, and reasons other than holidays or vacation, employees with SUD miss two additional weeks due to illness and injury. Employees that have received substance use treatment in the past and have not had a substance use disorder within the last 12 months miss the fewest days of any group at an average of only two weeks annually.

Q. How is Contigo Health’s SUD helping to reimagine healthcare benefits?
There are several ways that Contigo Health differs from traditional approaches that we hope others will emulate. For instance, there’s a lot of excitement about virtual care—and there should be—but it’s sometimes to the exclusion of in-person care. We believe that virtual and in-person delivery options must coexist in an individualized treatment approach.

Many healthcare plans end when the employee finishes the formal inpatient, outpatient, or virtual program. Contigo Health continues its support for 12 months to help employees achieve success and long-term recovery. Employees aren’t abandoned when they exit their acute treatment plan.

Regardless of the path a health plan member chooses, the Contigo Health team of experts wraps their arms around the member to help them get back to their best lives.

For more information, Contact Britt Hayes, Contigo Health’s Chief Commercial
Officer, at, or call 330-656-1072.


© 2024. Contigo Health, LLC. All rights reserved.

An Interview With Jake Frankel
Authority Magazine
Jan 8, 2023

The COVID-19 Pandemic taught all of us many things. One of the sectors that the pandemic put a spotlight on was the healthcare industry. The pandemic showed the resilience of the US healthcare system, but it also pointed out some important areas in need of improvement.

In our interview series called “In Light Of The Pandemic, Here Are The 5 Things We Need To Do To Improve The US Healthcare System”, we are interviewing doctors, hospital administrators, nursing home administrators, and healthcare leaders who can share lessons they learned from the pandemic about how we need to improve the US Healthcare System.

As a part of this series, I had the pleasure to interview Steven Nelson, president of Contigo Health.

Steven Nelson leads the Contigo Health team as president and was one of the leaders who initiated the strategy behind Contigo Health within Premier. Before joining Premier, Nelson was a leader at Anthem Inc., where he served as vice president of strategy and planning and COO of Anthem’s diversified business group. Prior to joining Anthem, Nelson led strategy, product and marketing at Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield and helped to build Allegheny Health Network, a provider entity consisting of seven hospitals, 2,000 doctors and various other facilities. Nelson has a deep and personal commitment to giving back to his local community as well as the global community, including leading charity work in Haiti. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh and a master’s degree from Ohio University. He and his family reside outside of Pittsburgh, in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive into our interview, our readers would like to get to know you a bit. Can you tell us a bit about your backstory and a bit about what brought you to this specific career path?

After spending seven years in the retail industry, including five years spent at GNC as the chief marketing officer, I entered the health insurance market in 2007 when the CEO of Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield recruited me to establish consumer and retail marketing for them.

At Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, I developed a consumer marketing strategy and executed a business plan that helped shift the company to become a customer-centric leader. At the time, this was at the starting point of healthcare “consumerism.”

I worked mostly in the strategy, marketing, innovation, and product areas as a consumer advocate. This includes working on products that we built for individuals who buy their own insurance and employer-sponsored benefit plans. Additionally, I assisted in rebuilding consumer market touchpoints, including retail stores, e-commerce, and consumer advertising.

Looking back, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield was an appealing opportunity due to its existing market presence and high-profile status among the Blue Cross Blue Shield community. Its extensive resources — people, process, technology, and funding — provided substantial support for an effective consumer roadmap.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

After spending 15+ years in the health insurance industry, I was ready for something a little different. I decided to leverage my knowledge from previous experiences to assist in creating a startup to diversify a company that wanted to get into the health insurance industry. The key was to find the right partner that had the required existing assets but needed a business plan to crystalize and address the problem they were trying to solve, as well as a team to execute the plan.

I was approached by an industry expert who was assisting Premier Inc. with a plan to diversify its business into adjacent markets and leverage its existing assets and relationships to do so over the next three-to-five years. As a strong data and analytics business with well over 4,400 health system and hospital relationships in the provider market, Premier made for a good fit to explore opportunities with self-insured employers. To be relevant to the employer market, we needed to leverage Premier’s provider relationships yet honor what employers were trying to solve for in their health benefits. Most of the early focus was spent on unit price and inappropriate care; however, as we dug further, we realized that while inappropriate care and patient experience were critical, the focus needed to be on creating and maintaining productive employees. After working through the pandemic, we quickly realized that our third-party administrator (TPA) service and existing product bundles (Centers of Excellence) were not enough to transform the market, so we set out to find ways to build out the network architecture. Our market research led us to secure a network cost containment organization focused on serving health contracts. These health contracts in a cost containment environment helped Contigo Health, a subsidiary of Premier, become a full-fledged network.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

It’s to remember names. For the first year of my first job, I repeatedly called my boss by the wrong name. I would do it in public, including during business meetings. It was a complicated situation because he went by his middle name, and while funny in the beginning, it started becoming a nuisance. I started doing name recall exercises with professional athletes and actors’ names to help jog my memory. It’s important to remember names because it helps you better engage with people.

Anyways, with my boss it ended with me getting a t-shirt with his name on it that I had to wear at a holiday party. Rest assured I will never forget his name again.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it.” — Lou Holtz

No matter what the task ahead — including those we take on as spouses, parents, or leaders — we are all going to face challenges. Looking beyond them for the next or best move to make is always better than staying in a negative moment. Even when the moment is positive: reflect and then move on.

When looking at my career path, up until Contigo Health, every role I took was a title and pay-grade regression, so I had to continue working my way back up the ladder. While some may see this as a setback, I knew it was better for my career path because it was always the right role at the right time and built out my qualifications differently. How I chose to approach these moments was important, especially in leadership.

The personal side of this is about setting, managing, and evolving goals. It’s about understanding that your goals are fluid and it’s okay to change how you work toward them. Adapt. Adjust. Overcome.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

At Contigo Health, we are always creating new ways for clinicians, health systems, and employers to work together in an effort to optimize employee health benefits. We recently bought a new health network — a group of healthcare systems and providers — with a goal to bring more transparent health products to the market by starting with areas where transparency doesn’t exist at all (out-of-wrap network markets). The federal government and states have been trying to do this for quite some time now, and I’m proud to be a part of Contigo Health’s effort to build this model for future networking structures from the ground up to help reduce the cost of out-of-network care, should people need it.

How would you define an “excellent healthcare provider”?

Patients all have unique needs. Excellent providers focus on providing not only the right care but also personalized engagement appropriate for each patient’s unique situation. There is greater comfort — and more positive outcomes — in working with a provider who possesses a deeper understanding of an individual’s needs and approaches their recommended care plan through this lens rather than following a “one size fits all” approach.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the main focus of our interview. The COVID-19 pandemic has put intense pressure on the American healthcare system. Some healthcare systems were at a complete loss as to how to handle this crisis. Can you share with our readers a few examples of where we’ve seen the U.S. healthcare system struggle? How do you think we can correct these specific issues moving forward?

When it comes to healthcare providers, many are paid based on the volume of care (you see your doctor, your doctor gets paid for that visit or service) rather than quality (keeping you healthy and out of the hospital). There is no benchmark for quality of care in the industry. By designing networks that are more patient-centric and considerate of both providers’ and employers’ needs, we can overcome this. It will end up being a win-win for everyone: patients, providers, and employers.

There should be a standard of quality set forth to begin with, so we are all working from the same playbook. Care will only improve from there. Contigo Health is actively working toward expanding its network five-fold to leverage those quality standards in more markets across the United States as we come out of the pandemic.

Of course the story was not entirely negative. Healthcare professionals were true heroes on the front lines of the crisis. The COVID vaccines are saving millions of lives. Can you share a few ways that our healthcare system really did well? If you can, please share a story or example.

Overall, the pandemic drove increased demand for healthcare. One area that is changing is employer-sponsored healthcare, or the healthcare benefits organizations provide their employees. Since the pandemic, employers and healthcare providers have been able to increasingly collaborate in this area when it comes to understanding employee needs more deeply, ultimately ensuring better, more appropriate healthcare outcomes for employees by providing the right care.

At Contigo Health, through our partnerships with major employers in the U.S., such as Fortune 100 companies, we administer centers of excellence for their employees, or programs within healthcare facilities that provide agreed-upon standards of quality care in advance of that care being received. During the pandemic, patients were delaying their care; however, our contracted centers remained open to deliver care as needed in an isolated way. For example, one of our contracted hospitals isolated their maternity ward to continue patient care during the pandemic while instituting safety protocols.

Here is the primary question of our discussion. As a healthcare leader can you share 5 changes that need to be made to improve the overall US healthcare system? Please share a story or example for each.

Five changes that I believe need to be made to improve the overall U.S. healthcare system include:

  1. Outcomes tracking and monitoring for patients with similar care needs: This will allow patients to gauge the “what” and “when” of receiving care based on factors that matter, and more importantly, outcomes. It will also allow them to pay for certain levels of care and less if benchmarks or agreements are not met.
  2. Increased pricing transparency: More cost transparency from providers to patients in the industry will allow this “market” (price of products and goods sold) to truly act like a “market.”
  3. Increase quality transparency: More transparency in the quality of care will inform the patient of quality care standards and how they are aligned to those standards.
  4. More purpose-built networks: We must focus on building networks that are centered around employees’ needs. An example of this could be having specialized networks — like a dialysis network — that targets specific healthcare needs and disciplines for those with advanced kidney disease.
  5. Allow more freedom and flexibility for members to engage their network as needed: This will help to expand consumers to access all services lines needed to live a healthier life. An example of this is behavioral health benefits. In the past, this benefit has been regulated and required approvals to engage in. Today, post-pandemic, behavioral health benefits have grown rapidly to the point that trying to control services has significant limitations.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

I’d love to bring more volunteers to the healthcare industry. There is an abundance of need from food banks to deliveries of supplies to community hospitals. One hospital I work with is doubling its volunteer staff right now, training them to help work alongside clinicians to help meet patient needs. It’s fantastic.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Readers can follow me on LinkedIn. They can also keep on top of the latest work from Contigo Health on our website and social media pages:

Thank you so much for these insights! This was very inspirational and we wish you continued success in your great work.


© 2024. Contigo Health, LLC. All rights reserved.

Learn how the treatment of substance use disorders is being reimagined for the benefit of employees and the overall health of the organizations tasked with their wellbeing.

  • Remove the stigma around substance use disorder within your own organization.
  • Build a benefits plan that includes a more confidential model, making it easier for individuals to take the first step to recovery.
  • Understand the financial impact that substance use disorder could be having on your bottom line.
  • Hear how Contigo Health, Lionrock Recovery, and Hazelden Betty Ford are changing treatment by meeting members where they are, through in-person or virtual, at home care.
  • Consider one individual’s road to recovery to understand how employers can make all the difference in treatment.

*Courtesy of Validation Institute.

© 2024. Contigo Health, LLC. All rights reserved.

To help sort out the evolving landscape of out-of-network care, we invite you to watch this informative webinar discussion with top experts who will be covering the following:

  • How to know which of your clients would benefit from an out-of-network wrap solution
  • How to protect your clients from balanced billing and reap the potential savings on their out-of-network utilization.

Courtesy of Validation Institute.

© 2024. Contigo Health, LLC. All rights reserved.

Learn how the treatment of substance use disorders (SUD) is being reimagined for the benefit of employees and the overall health of the organizations tasked with their well-being.

Courtesy of Validation Institute.

© 2024. Contigo Health, LLC. All rights reserved.