
How Health System Employers Make the Leap to TPA Partnerships That Help Transform Health Benefits, Optimize Quality, and Bend the Cost Curve

In this webinar, gain insight into benefit designs tailored to maximize value and align with specific employee needs, all without compromising the quality of care.

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Winning with Domestic Utilization

For a health system employee benefit plan, domestic utilization is—or certainly should be—the plan’s North Star. But how can the health plan know if it is in a good place (or bad) when it comes to domestic utilization? Read our white paper to learn more.

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How to Make Your Payvider Solution a Reality

Today, as market factors and technology are favoring the payvider model, the time to act appears to be prime. But how does a health system—perhaps your own—pursue the payvider path for its organization?

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What is the Business Impetus to Become a Payvider? 

While market forces are making a payvider solution feel intuitively right, it is important to take a hard look at whether this is the right move for your organization, both strategically and financially. Read our white paper to learn more about the business case for establishing a payvider solution.

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