Contigo Health and ASHHRA Presents:

Transforming Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment for the Betterment of All.

Event Overview

Substance use disorders, or SUDs, have been on a steady rise in the workplace. In fact, 70.4% of all adults with an alcohol or illicit drug use disorder are employed.* It’s also staggering to think that 10% to 15% of those in healthcare will misuse substances during their lifetime.**

Whether it be the lasting effects of being on the frontline throughout the pandemic or the changing family and socioeconomic dynamics facing our communities, we must look at this not as an individual problem but rather as a problem gripping us all that needs attention now more than ever.

Join us for this vital discussion on how the treatment of substance use disorders are being reimagined for the benefit of employees and the overall health of the organizations tasked with their wellbeing.


  1. How to help remove the stigma around substance use disorder within your own organization.
  2. The importance of immediate and ongoing discreet, inclusive, and affordable, support making it easier and more welcoming for those willing to take the first step.
  3. Understanding the financial impact that substance use disorder could be having on your bottom line.
  4. How health system employers should think about the overlap between SUD and behavioral health as the two are often closely related but treated separately.
  5. How to design a SUD benefit plan that addresses the unique needs of healthcare professionals.
  6. The importance of a comprehensive, equitable, and quality-driven behavioral health and SUD benefits offering designed around a growing hybrid and deskless workforce.
  7. How Contigo Health’s partnership with Hazelden Betty Ford and Lionrock Recovery is changing treatment by meeting the member where they are through in-person or virtual, at home care allowing them to continue with their work and family responsibilities.


*Frone, M. R., L. C. Chosewood, J. C. Osborne, et al. 2022. “Workplace Supported Recovery from Substance Use Disorders: Defining the Construct, Developing a Model, and Proposing an Agenda for Future Research.” Occupational Health Science 6: 475–511.
**Butler Center for Research. June 1, 2015. “Health Care Professionals: Addiction and Treatment.”

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